सबैले हेर्नै पर्ने - घर बनाउँदा बनाउँदै मेरो ड्याडीलाई माओवादीले अपहरण गरेर लग्यो त्यसैले यो घर अझै अपुरो छ, यो घर पुरा गर्न म मेरो ड्याडीलाई कुरेर बसिरहेकी छु। भिडियो हेर्नुहोस

भिडियो हेर्न तल क्लिक गर्नुहोस

Sangita Dhakal (Kohalpur, Banke), is growing up with the guardianship of her grandmother. Her father was abducted on the conflict period. She do not know either her father is alive or not. Her brother is in India for earning, but still she is not able to run her household expenses. Still having the hope of her father's return she always let the door open pretending that he will be back on night.

If you want to help Sangita Dhakal, Contact Us on 1660-01-34567 (Toll Free) or mjb@afn.org.np Copyright: Antenna Foundation Nepal, Save the Children

भिडियो हेर्न तल क्लिक गर्नुहोस


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